By Kuresa

Shhh, you don't even need to say a word

Monday 15th of July 2019 12:01:00 PM

Shhh, you don't even need to say a word

Everything I gave to you, I don't need returned

Left your clothes by the door and your heart on my pillow...

I don't know if my visions drowned in tears or if that's rain on my window.

Give me love, give me love- on repeat on the stereo

My mind anticipating and breaking bad off of every melodic note.

I need to leave, need to fly, up towards the heavens where things

Never end, hearts dont break, and happiness has an endless streak

My words, are just words, they mean a lot, but they're meaningless,

But i find I don't have a lot to say anymore, so these words are meaning less

Don't fall for your feelings, just let em go.

It's a messed up world, down here in the rabbit hole.

Hand clutches my chest to beg it to stop my heart's beating.

I just fed the sharks, here's my heart, still bleeding.