By Kuresa

I say nothing, because you should already know

Thursday 5th of December 2019 09:00:00 AM

I say nothing, because you should already know

In words not spoken, my bodys language is more fluent so

I let the distaste for the words that you use show

On my face because I shouldn't have to say anything, you should already know

When someone feels the need to express "no homo" at the end of a compliment

Like Im really so stupid that I can't tell you were straight, or confuse what you meant

When you said my shirt looked nice, the compliment was straight, but your words are bent

Trying to cover your tracks like a drug addict with long sleeves

I say NOTHING. You should already know.

Does the fact that you do not live that lifestyle give you the right to slur?

Is it because being gay is neither race nor creed, that you get caught up in the blur?

Why does it not get uncomfortable in the room when someone describes something they dislike as "thats gay", why doesn't it hurt?

Homosexuals are people too. Yes I'm sure

I shouldn't have to tell you this, you should already know!

What if everytime someone described something that they didn't like with your name, race, ideals or family?

"that's so Kuresa, so Samoan, so Christian," or "so Tupua", and yes it would get to me

Feel free to substitute your own life into these situations, and say it with the same distaste and hate that you say these words that offend me

Hate and blame is universal and it is the poison residue passed down that was left on the lips of eve

I want to scream this in your face, but you should already know

So a celebrity says "faggot", that makes it ok right?

It makes it ok because celebrities got their lives together right?

Everybody repeats it because everybody does it, right?

Why didn't it carry the same weight as a caucasian slurring on an ethnic type? It got quiet real quick in here, right?

I could go on for days teaching, but, all this, you should already know!

I don't care what you think of the lifestyle, I don't want to hear it

But in words you say, just mind peoples feelings.

People are people no matter who they Love or who loves them

You think "this is gay" but you're the one needing to be set "straight"

People. Homosexuals are people with real feelings and family and friends too.

I shouldn't even have to tell you this, because, THIS, you shouldve already knew

One does not need to be, in order to fight for

So check your words before choosing slurs.