By Kuresa

Thursday 24th of September 2020 11:41:00 PM

Feeling alone in a crowded room...

Feeling Anxious...

Feeling Crushed...

The Paranoia...

Feeling overwhelmed can begin anywhere.

Feeling like ‘Nobody understands’ or nobody is listening.

Worse comes still when you feel like you can’t trust anyone, even “friends” or “loved ones” with the truth of what you struggle with internally because you fear being judged, bullied, made fun of

Can’t stand being told:

“It’s all in your head” or

“you’re just being an attention seeker” or

“Why do You always need to be the center of attention?!”—-

Find your truth.

Find a true support system.

A support system that is patient, kind and a true protective hedge.

You are loved.

You matter.

It’s ok to accept help.

Nobody can get through the darkness alone.

Together, we can #MakeItToTomorrow

It’s ok to reach out... just be sure you reach out to a safe haven...

KTupua 2019