By Kuresa

How to describe the darkness:

Friday 2nd of October 2020 09:12:00 AM

How to describe the darkness:

We’re alone, but we hear the inner voices so loud we swear it’s not just inside...

The thoughts are of our own making because of the insecurities we try to hide...

We cling to the dark and block out the light-

If only to spare the ones we love from feeling helpless while we try to keep from crying.

We want to be around people we love, but we’re tired of having to explain what words cannot describe.

The thoughts we hear?

The ones that batter us and torment from within, the thing is, we don’t hear the words in our own voices...

Something dark, twisted and wicked makes it sound like the voices of every person who ever said:

“You matter.”

“You’re Loved.”

“I love you.”

“I care...”

“Trust me...”

“I would never hurt you...”

“Reach Out...”

“I believe in you.”

“We can get through this.”

Which is why when people tell us those things, we stare back in uncomfortable disbelief...

Complete with background whispers that have the weight to crush souls that sound like “they don’t mean it”...



”they hate you”...

Still think nobody else gets it?

You DO matter.

You ARE Loved.

Reach out...

Nobody can do this alone and nobody should have to.

Together, we can make it through the dark.




October 2019