By Kuresa

It’s no secret I battle depression, anxiety, ptsd and a bunch of other problems.

Friday 13th of November 2020 08:05:00 PM

It’s no secret I battle depression, anxiety, ptsd and a bunch of other problems.

Especially since I got hurt in 2016.

The silence is haunting and my mind betrays me in the dark.

For the last couple months,

I’ve been seeing a psychologist.

He’s suggested treatments that I’ve already had and failed.

I told him I don’t want drugs, I just want the noise to stop.

He’s already admitted that he doesn’t know how to help me,

but he said he can listen... if that would help.

And oh boy,

I’ve let him have it... unfiltered and


Someone I love asked me why I can talk to my psychologist,

and I can’t talk to them...

why is it so hard to just talk?

Here’s the reason:

I don’t ever have to see my psychologist ever outside of the office.

My relationship with him will not change no matter what I call him or what I say.

I am not afraid of hurting his feelings and I know for certain, by law, that he can’t tell a soul about me.

So loved ones of people like me:

the ones who you wonder why they can talk to someone else and not you.

It’s because we love you. We don’t want you to see us as anything other than who we are.

We are your little brother.

We are your husband.

We are your father.

We are your son.

You already see us in our pain and struggling to fight our demons.

Please understand, we don’t ever want to show you those demons.

You’re Loved.

You Matter.

It’s ok to seek real help.

Together, we can make it through the Dark.




October 2019