The Inner Storm
The Inner Storm
People don’t understand that even in the sunshine... storms can happen.
They aren’t any less severe.
They aren’t any less real.
I think it’s unfair to keep asking someone to “hold on”, “things will get better” because you really don’t know that.
What we do know...
is this pain...
day in and day out...
the obliteration of “normal”-
the impact the pain has on the loss of control on basic functions... it’s taxing.
So very taxing.
The cold has never been a friend... but now... it’s become an enemy...
An unconquerable giant with an endless health bar and fast respawn rate...
My Pain tolerance is something I’ve always prized...
these last 4 years make it seem like an endless looped waking nightmare...
—looped waking nightmare...
—looped waking nightmare...
Together... we can make it through the dark...
(i think)
(I hope)
But I do know:
You’re Loved.
You matter.
November 2020