Stop letting people tell you what you should do to feel better.
Stop letting people tell you what you should do to feel better.
Their advice is selfish and is solely based on how they think you should behave to make THEM feel better.
“You should do _____”
“You need to just ___”
“I know what you need, you gotta ___”
Usually followed up by “I just want you to be happy.”
How do you know those things will make ME happy?
Because Without listening, you just suggested everything that makes YOU happy.
“I just don’t want to see you sad.”
Key words “...YOU don’t want to see...”
We’re Different people.
We wish you could Understand that We didn’t choose to be feeling this way.
We didn’t choose to be prisoners of anxiety and/or a mental/chemical imbalance.
Too many “friends” are far too tired of how we ‘always bring them down’ to just listen...
Read That Again.
Those are not friends.
You are Loved.
You Matter.
Together, we can make it through the dark.
October 2019