Don’t Lose Yourself
Don’t Lose Yourself
It’s easy to lose sight of who we are when we’re too busy trying to fit into what everyone else says we should be...
...When we’re not being honest with who we are and we try to project who we want everyone to see us as.
We already know who the real ones in our life is.
Nobody else matters.
They already know who we are.
Behind the projection.
They’ve lived through every teardrop and painful episode right there with us.
We just need to make sure we aren’t taking the emotional scarring out on the ones who have loved us this whole time.
We know it best, that in fits of rage, pain and frustration, it’s hard to discern loved one and foe.
As we want people to try to understand what we’re feeling...
try to understand what it means for those who love us
Understand how hard it must be to watch us hurt and be powerless to help.
You are Loved.
You Matter.
Reach Out.
Together we can get through the dark.
October 2018