Those Who Matter
Those Who Matter
There will be times when we won’t feel like fighting anymore.
People will call us selfish. They’ll tell us to just change our outlook.
People will call us coward.
They’ll tell us to “just choose happy”.
People will say that we took the “easy way” out.
They won’t say it to our faces, though.
They’ll wait til we’re gone and then they’ll talk that noise.
Mostly on social media, you know, because it’ll matter then...
The truth is:
We have a lot we’re dealing with already, and we don’t need their insensitive and conveniently late drama.
Those people don’t matter.
They don’t check on us.
They don’t really “care”.
Lip service and smoke.
We don’t see them volunteering to be with us during a flare up.
Focus on the ones who sacrifice and hurt to love us-
The ones who hurt because we’re hurting and are just as helpless as we are, but remain beside us in the pain and the dark.
You are Loved.
You matter.
It’s ok to reach out.
Together, We can make it through the dark...
July 2019