By Kuresa

“Get Over It”

Monday 7th of December 2020 06:58:00 AM

“Get Over It”

There are some who only say they care because your emotional health is an inconvenience to their agenda.

They think we should be fine because they’ve not been where you’ve been.

They want us to just hurry up and “get over it”

(The same people who ask how you are and don’t care about the response)

Those aren’t friends!

As many times as you need to...

Remind yourself of the truth.

Forget everyone else and their timeline...

You go at your own pace and you heal.

They don’t know what it’s like...

They aren’t with us in the dark...

They don’t get it and can’t understand.

All they know is that we are hurting and sad and THAT kills their buzz.

Those people are toxic and add to the negativity around you.

Those people make everyone seem uncaring and not genuine.

Don’t confuse these people with the people who actually care and just want us to heal.


You are Loved.

You Matter.

Reach out for help (from the right people).



Together, we can make it through the dark.


October 2019