Vices: Alcohol, drugs, food, sleep, addictions etc.
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Vices: Alcohol, drugs, food, sleep, addictions etc.
They don’t help with the depression.
They only make things worse.
I get it.
You’re overwhelmed.
Everything seems to be spinning out of control and nothing you do seems to go right.
You feel like you’ve lost your grip.
It’s almost like it doesn’t matter anymore, so why even try?
This is why vices/addictions are so dangerous.
Addictions are dangerous because even in the midst of the storm... the bottle, the pill, the food- that vice does EXACTLY what it’s told to do...
Alcohol doesn’t argue.
Your pillow doesn’t kick you out of bed if you don’t want to leave.
Food is exactly what it is, an obedient medium that allows you some span of control in this unpredictable world.
Remember, you aren’t alone.
You don’t have to impress everyone all the time, and if people don’t allow you to be yourself, you need to change your environment.
If you can’t be you... then being someone else FOR everyone else is impossible.
“But I can’t...”
If it’s too cold outside... I guarantee you that you’re looking for somewhere warm, you wouldn’t just freeze.
Your body won’t let you.
Survival is all the body knows... we need to train our minds to do so too...
If we’re in an unhealthy environment, where outside influences are detrimental to your wellbeing, change your environment.
It won’t be immediate.
Not all of us are so fortunate to be able to pick up and change environments at the drop of a hat...
but work toward it.
Start the change with the mindset that you deserve better, and the metamorphosis has already begun.
Your environment that you choose to entertain begins to change around you.
Deciding to change means you’ve decided what you will and will not allow in your life anymore.
-It’s an interesting concept, because when you decide you won’t put up with negativity, negative people begin to drop out of your life.
Mainly because they’re no longer allowed to drag you down with them.
Make the conscious decision to change, and you’ve already taken the first step to breaking out of the cage you’ve allowed to be built around you.
I know there’s very little we feel in control over..
that’s why we turn to our vices, because we control the poison...
The truth is: after a while the vice takes such a strong hold... that we no longer have it under control...
Then we look for other things to control- violence... towards the ones we say we love.
Verbal- possibly physical- and then what?
You tell me.
If you do allow it, then now it’s not just your life in the balance...
(Truth: it never was just your life affected but I know the mindset)
If you have a family- automatically, your actions and the consequences are no longer just yours.
You are NOT in control.
If you need a drink every time you have a bad day- you’ll find reasons to have more bad days.
If you want to sleep all day every time you mess up at work- you’ll find reasons to not go into work to avoid messing up all together...
Put the vices down, stop the poison.
Decide on positive changes, and most importantly: ACT ON THEM and go for them like you need it to survive... because, you do.
Reach out.
You aren’t alone.
You aren’t the first or last to deal with vices and depression.
Find a safe place with accountability and stick to it.
We are products of our environment...
but even diamonds form from coal under pressure.
Products of our environment? Yes. Absolutely, but our environment does not define us
You are Loved.
You Matter.
Together, we can make it through the dark.
Reach out. People care about you.
December 2018