Church is only for the faithful attendees, apparently.
It saddens me to see people act like they like visitors, but they don’t.
Visitors mean you have to behave.
Visitors mean you can’t gossip with your friends because your seat next to them was taken by a dirty rotten visitor who only comes maybe once a year, you don’t even know why they bothered.
Passive aggressive Wondering how many who attended Easter Service will be there this coming Sunday is sad and unnecessary...
because you already know the majority won’t be...
I don’t get it..
with everything else in the world distracting people from Christ, the gospel, church and getting involved...
why do Christians do it too?
Well... who am I?
A fallen, backslidden, whatever...I’m one of the guys you don’t like seeing at your church.
that’s EXACTLY why I pulled away...
Supposed “Christians” make it hard to want to be one.
Not bashing... not encouraging bashing.
Not a platform for religious discussion or trolling.
Just my thoughts.
It really sucks because I know my two middle sisters and their families who are legitimately active in their FAITH, legitimately love it and actively pray for and encourage me and invite me constantly...
but I decline because the pain I’m in... and the others “trying to make conversation” will trigger my unfiltered responses
Then every winter season you see posts about “putting Christ back in Christmas...”
Well I have a suggestion:
How about putting “Christ” back in “Christian”?
Then again... what does a faithless, backslider heathen like me know?
December 2017