A common misconception about depression is that people equate depression with sadness.
A common misconception about depression is that people equate depression with sadness.
Especially by people who have never been on this side of it.
We’ve been sad. This isn’t it.
It’s less about feeling emotional and sad because “sad” has an identity.
Depression is like the word...
It’s a void,
a nothingness,
a black hole that sucks the joy out of everything we enjoy and used to love and those who live it...
we don’t know what that void is.
There’s no identity. But it’s debilitating.
It leaves you in lethargy because we can’t fix it.
It leaves those living that nightmare in constant fear of slipping further into the abyss,
We seem lost and sad to you, when in reality-
Our souls are paralyzed...
It’s like walking in a room and realizing we somehow are in the only dry corner of a room dripping in fresh paint...
Even the floor has wet paint everywhere except where we’re standing,
And there’s nothing we can do about it...
I get it.
I see you.
We get it.
You are worthy.
You’re Loved.
You matter.
It’s ok to reach out.
Nobody has to go through the darkness alone.
December 2018