By Kuresa

Depression does NOT equal Sadness

Friday 18th of December 2020 10:43:00 PM

Depression does NOT equal Sadness

Someone sent me a private message asking me if it was hard being so depressed and down and sad all the time...

(they must not read my posts at all... LITERALLY just went over this: depression doesn’t equal sadness)

The thing about living with depression and anxiety is: It is less, socially or otherwise, acceptable to live truthfully than to live openly with an addiction or a vice.

It’s more acceptable to be a functioning addict than to be a functioning dysfunctional human being.

That’s ok tho, because being socially accepted isn’t the goal.

Making it to tomorrow, whether everyone else approves or not, is the goal.

Truth is, the same people that tell us to “just be happy” and “just change the mindset”... will be the first at a suicide funeral yelling about why the deceased didn’t reach out.

*So the short answer is: NO, being this way... is not hard.

Being expected to act like we aren’t this way so everyone else can feel comfortable...

THAT’S the hard part.*

I get it.

So no matter what anyone else says or tells us to do or how they claim to know how to fix us...

They aren’t fighting our nightmares...

We are.

You do whatever you have to do to keep going.

Reach out.

You are Loved.

You Matter.

You don’t have to go through the darkness alone.

And you should not have to go alone...

Focus on you.



December 2018