By Kuresa

Who Do You Feed?

Thursday 4th of March 2021 10:06:00 PM

Who Do You Feed?

When our emotions feed, what do we feed them?

Which ones have we cultivated and which ones have grown so overbearing that we feel enslaved to its appetite?

Which do we live in fear of because we’re afraid that if we experience feeding any positive emotion, the overbearing one will just snatch that bit of positivity and scarf it down, robbing us of anything other than what we feel we DESERVE to feel?

Depression is a leech that feeds on everything in and around us, it doesn’t care about anything other than it’s feeding time...

THREE quick ways to starve depression and begin healthy emotion feeding times:

1-Starve depression by stifling idle time.

Stay busy and give creativity a portion to feed on

2-Break Routine.

Do something different. Get out of your head and give your imagination a healthy dose of wonder.

If going to that same establishment brings back depressing memories, try the new place around the corner and make new memories

3-Talk to someone. Someone you trust. Someone who loves you as you are.

A true friend, who you can talk to in confidence...

Reach out, because the ones who TRULY care about you can’t help you through unless you tell them that you need help.

Bonus: We all need help. Realize that... punch your pride in the throat and reach out.

“Help” doesn’t mean meds or scary stuff... help could mean a listening ear...

but they can’t be that unless you ask.

If your attitude is: if they truly cared about me, they’d know I need help-

ok, fine- Lead with that... tell them how bad of a friend they are-just get the convo started...


Feb 2019