By Kuresa

Never Enough...

Thursday 15th of April 2021 09:15:00 PM

Never Enough...


It hurts.

Physically. It makes us sick.

It digs into our psyche like a dull and jagged spoon and stirs poison in, reminding us of why we were rejected...

we are not good enough.

It’s never that someone was more qualified and we just aren’t there yet- it’s our worthlessness followed by pity and self degradation and doubt of self worth in things not even related to the rejection.

And we think everyone is having a good laugh about it.

Stop. They aren’t.

That Job/promotion we wanted.

That event we couldn’t get into.

That relationship.

That grade.

That last slice of pizza someone else took.

That life we tried to save.

Anything we are denied, is processed as rejection...failure...

there is no “Almost”

“Better luck next time” doesn’t exist to us, because of the effort we exerted to do it THIS time, and we can’t process rejection/failure on this scale another time, so we retreat. We don’t try again.

We change the desire, the output, the target, the location, our type, the demographic...

all of it.

we change the scenario until it is unrecognizable, until the goal, effort and scenario is an entirely new thing... because the regret, the failure, the rejection is too much to process.

Stop. That’s a Lie.

What is true? Find it, repeat it, cling to it.

I get it.

It doesn’t make sense to you.

It’s what we have to do to, as you normal people say, “get over it”

Don’t give up... whatever you need to do to continue living and moving on.

Stillness is death.

You’re worth the life you have.

Reach Out.

We are not alone.