Say Nothing At All
Say Nothing At All
“Everything happens for a reason”
Please stop using this as faux encouragement.
If you don’t know the full situation or the gravity, OR the reason... don’t speak.
It’s not encouraging.
It’s not enlightening.
It’s empty words.
It’s filler for when you don’t know what to say.
Here’s some insight: If you don’t know what to say... instead of offering up meme inspired, twisted scripture, emptiness...
just say you don’t know what to say.
Don’t offer false hope to someone who already doesn’t know what to do in the situation.
And stop asking to pray for us.
Like our permission determines whether or not your god listens to your prayer.
If you feel led to pray, just do it... honestly, asking beforehand makes it condescending... like god only picks up when you call...
Just be truthful. In a world where information is everywhere, everyone wants to sound smart and say the right thing, or at least not say anything wrong.
Is it so hard to just “be there” for someone? In a society and a media culture that fills itself with noise, sometimes the best comfort you could offer someone is just being there... silent.
Saying nothing and just being... is the best way to Never say the wrong thing.
May 2019