Programmed to Survive
Programmed to Survive
Giving up is not easy.
Our souls don’t want to give up.
We are not programmed to “just surrender”.
It’s written in our DNA to fight back.
Giving up is the last thing on the list whenever we’re faced with a hardship or a real problem.
We can’t help it, we have to do everything it takes to survive and push on.
Imagine being pulled under water suddenly... nobody just gives can’t help it, you flail and tear and claw and reach for anything and do everything it takes to get you back to the surface...
I believe we each have a list of what “everything it takes” means, programmed in us.
I DO NOT believe Giving up is an easy thing to do, however...
because: life is what it is...
I DO believe that people’s minds/hearts get reprogrammed due to our circumstances, events, experiences and how/when they happen in our lives.
We allow the outside sources to insert code changes...
We subconsciously rewrite our own coding to believe what it means to do “everything it takes”.
We allow the circumstances to shorten the list of pre requisites needed to satisfy so we can say “oh well, I did everything in my power, I did everything it takes”.
That’s a Lie.
The shortcuts and bridges we allow to enter our original programming is false positives.
You ARE loved.
That’s a truth.
Find more truths and put those on the list so it takes longer to surrender to the darkness.
SMASH the shortcut bridges of the virus coding.
Sometimes, we can’t do it alone.
As always, Get help and Reach out.
Getting help is not being weak.
Those two things should be on that list multiple times.
May 2021