By Kuresa

When You Can’t Do Anything Right

Wednesday 16th of June 2021 09:15:00 PM

When You Can’t Do Anything Right

When everything feels like an attack...

It’s not.

There are times when you feel like you don’t want to be left alone, but you can’t stand to be around people...

I get it.

There will be times when everything you do will feel like a mistake,

and you can’t do anything right,

and it will take you to the point where you won’t want to do anything because you don’t want to mess it up-

…because that’s all you do.

You. Mess. Everything. Up.

Don’t believe it.

You’ll feel like a burden, like a has-been, like a chore; like nobody else can possibly know what you’re going through...

and if nobody can understand...

“...why even try?”

...but if you’re reading this and needed it... your story isn’t over yet.






June 2020