Nowhere Fast
Nowhere Fast
Getting stuck in a rut while losing your bearings in a storm is not out of the ordinary.
It’s easy to feel like we can’t catch a break and all we seem to do is spin our tires.
We gain no traction, we go nowhere and we feel ourselves breaking under the building pressure of life not stopping around you:
Bills continue to come due.
Pain continues to control.
Life continues to happen and it’s easy to feel like we’re up the creek, without a paddle, with a monster from a nightmare in a rowboat that’s taking on water 1,000 yards from tomorrow’s shore and we don’t know how to swim...
It’s a lie.
Find your truth.
Cling to it.
Take it all in and one step at a time.
Assess the situation and find a way to make it to tomorrow.
It’s getting dark... the silence is getting louder.
It’s tough, I know.
Get through tonight and you
We’ll talk about it then.
You are Loved.
You are worth it.
It’s ok to reach out.
Just get to tomorrow...
And then, tomorrow, we’ll do it again.
June 2019