Reaching Out Before Checking Out
Reaching Out Before Checking Out
“It’s ok to reach out”
A valid point I’ve been an advocate of.
“Reaching out before checking out”... it means a lot more than just face value.
People in our situation also need to understand that it is ok to accept help.
So many times, we try to do things ourselves.
If we can, Awesome!
But what if it’s something out of reach?
Physically... emotionally.... mentally.
It’s easy to “reach out” or say that we’ve “reached out”,
But many times that’s done to satisfy ego,
And sometimes to prove the warped experiments our minds host claiming that “nobody wants to help us”.
And yet when someone asks if we are ok, or need something, or if we’re needing help:
We answer with polite lies like
“No, thanks, I’m fine.”
“I can manage”
And then go away bitterly complaining how nobody helped, and if they really wanted to help, they would’ve just helped instead of asking...
Stop. It’s a Lie.
It’s ok to accept help.
You can still be independent and accept help.
(read that again ⬆️)
You are Loved.
You are worth it.
It’s getting dark, Ponder this tonight.
Think and I mean, really think about this...
Find a way to Get through tonight, and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.
And tomorrow: do it again.
June 2018