By Kuresa

Nobody Knows

Wednesday 30th of June 2021 09:10:00 PM

Nobody Knows

It’s easy to convince ourselves when we are going through hard times that

“nobody understands, nobody knows what I’m going through”.


People are more understanding than you think and situations will never be 100% identical, but people can relate.

There’s no way anyone’s hardship can ever truly be identical.

Human emotion makes sure of that.

We process things different, we are shaped by our past experiences, whatever the case may be...

Situations may be similar, but never truly identical.

That being said, when someone reaches out in a similar situation, don’t be the one to judge them based on what your situation is.

You have no idea what someone else is dealing with or has dealt with, but you recognize the struggle.

You identify.

Be kind, the same way you would want others to be When you reach out for help.

You are Loved.

You are worth it.

You matter.

Think it over and reflect on this...

I know today was hard, but you find a way to make it through tonight and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.

You just #MakeItToTomorrow ...

and then tomorrow-

Do it again.


July 2019