Find Your Reason(s)
Find Your Reason(s)
Don’t give motive to the lack of motivation.
“What’s the point?” Well, you are the point.
You are Loved. You matter.
Depression is already squeezing the love out of everything we once enjoyed,
Don’t let it rob us of our desire to hope for more.
Don’t let it consume our wish to explore and discover.
It becomes dangerous when we no longer care about the mysteries of the world and wonders of life.
Don’t lose our hunger for hope.
Giving up is not the same as submitting to fate.
We can go with the flow and still find reasons to enjoy the ride.
Forget about yesterday;
forget about last year,
forget about this morning;
forget about 10 minutes ago...
When night falls, silence gets louder and shadows grow stronger-
it’s ok...
You Find a way to get through, and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Find your reason to keep going…
Just #MakeItToTomorrow.
Aug 2019