By Kuresa

Don’t @ Me…

Wednesday 1st of June 2022 11:49:00 PM

Don’t @ Me…

I’ve been in protests that started peaceful.

I’ve been in protests that were peaceful.

I’ve been sprayed with OC {Oleoresin capsicum} (“pepper spray”). (Not for a class)

I’ve been Tear gassed. (Not for a class)

I’ve been beat by a baton wielding officer who “doesn’t see color”.

I’ve been hit with a brick by “peaceful” protestors.

I’ve had cars open their doors just as they went by, aiming to hit me.

I’ve been spit on for being different.

I’ve been stabbed because I looked like someone else.

I’ve had bones broken in the defense of someone else, just to be told by the one I was protecting “I didn’t ask you to do that, that’s on you, you aren’t even one of us”

I’ve done more for social justice than you’ve ever done or will ever know.

Don’t you dare tell me that I could never understand.


In answer to being told that I wouldn’t understand and had no room to speak about the riots in the USA

Due to the high number of killings and inappropriate disregard of people of color by law enforcement officers (current/former/retired)

I was told that I wouldn’t understand because I wasn’t born black.

June 2020