By Kuresa

Some Days are Harder…

Saturday 25th of June 2022 05:38:00 AM

Some Days are Harder…

It’s easy to feel alone and isolated.

Especially when you feel like you can’t roll with the punches anymore.

But being in pain and going through hard times, feeling like everything around you is falling apart doesn’t give you the right to be unkind, spiteful or hurtful to others.

It’s easy to become hyper focused on what’s going on in your life, that You have no idea what someone else is going through.

You genuinely might not even care, but you don’t need to be a jerk.

Be kind... you never know what someone else is going through.

They may be desiring comfort or an encouraging word just like you.

Not everyone wears their hearts on the outside...

Be kind.

You are Loved.

You Matter.

Make it though tonight and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.

I know it’s tough, but you find a way to make it to tomorrow...

I’ll see you then.


June 2019