By Kuresa

This Morning There Was A Fog…

Friday 20th of October 2023 05:42:00 AM

This Morning There Was A Fog…

A thick fog lay over the landscape as I sit here.

Mornings like this make me think and reflect on a lot.

There’s so much to take in during a thick, rolling fog like this…

All the mysteries to sight, imagination running wild at the many sounds happening within the fog…

Bird calls and the beat of their wings, if you listen well enough…

Twigs snapping beneath claw and hoof, brush bending slightly, the wind whistling so gently…

Many days, my mind is like this fog…

Obscuring memories, mingling true memories with those I’ve lived within dreams…

So many days I wake lucid but foggy, unable too make heads or tails of the memories/dreams I hear calling to me…

And then, just like the fog, it all melts into the day as clarity comes with the sunlight.

So if I don’t remember you or the memories you have of me, forgive me.

I’ve lived too long within a fog induced narcotic dream… prescribed to escape the pain I deal with daily.



October 2023