Flood to me, damned heartache and pain!
Fill me with hurt, this rot on my brain.
Give me reason again to question intent-
Twist promise to shadow: gnarled, slimy and bent.
Make my heart bleed, bring tears to my soul.
Kill all light in my eyes, all sweet, Make it Foul.
Shatter now this wall, this vain attempt to quell
This Ocean of torture, this affliction, this knell.
Infuse me with hate! The toll be Desire-
Remind me of futures, now Corpsed on the pyre.
Bring me agony, conflict me, inflict me with misery-
Use me, Spend me and true to form, Leave me.
Grind my soul, slash my heart; break my mind in two!
Then I’m back. Conjured thoughts from that damned photo of you.
Dec 2023